Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Adrenalize @ Q-dance presents: Headhunterz


Submitted by: J0hn @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 01:00:09
Rated by: bAsher26 timdawes Chaotic_Spirit koldsa Robbin038 exilioxhemar Que-Dee glenncorvers B. CrazyDutchMan bubbel SirConceptz Shadix Duruz StevenThimm kollie bull83 JasperG7 Spector45 Scooby-Doo nielskuh Mr.Johnny.Napalm Blauwe Krauser DJ_Basskoenig DutchMaster gounry ballmann09 Gabox Zirkum crymble Pithune P4RTYLOV3R Antimildstyler SpiRiT Novidry JNKz GaDy AlvaroM Vioda Nois3controll3r LoeWn Krank-Im-Kopf hardstyle92 TondH V1eslaveq Jubke FullEffectNL stes mudkipz Stokbrood Letwan gero Jro_ leesmith543 Morango 5lim.. Sjorsheijstek DjTorresOFFICIAL Kapik View all ratings
Favorited by: B. Scooby-Doo HardstyleJuul Nois3controll3r hardstyle92 MikeMoll Sjorsheijstek

View as plain text


1. Adrenalize - Secrets of Time
2. Blademasterz - One Blade
3. D-Block & S-Te-Fan ft. Wildstylez - The Human Soul
4. Adrenalize - Forest Interlude
5. The Anarchist - In Circles
6. Adrenalize - Voices of Passion
7. Omegatypez & The Vision - Calling (Edit)
8. Wasted Penguinz & Adrenalize - Variations Of Visions
9. Frontliner - I'm The Melodyman
10. Adrenalize - Magical World
11. Frontliner - Phaseriffic
12. Adrenalize - Sleepless
13. Shadix - Welcome to Shadix
14. Omegatypez & Adrenalize - Infinite Galaxy
15. Omegatypez - Digital Revolution
16. The Pitcher - Serenity

Chaotic_Spirit -
01. Intro
02. Adrenalize - Secrets Of Time
03. Blademasterz - One Blade
04. D-Block & S-te-Fan ft. Wildstylez - The Human Soul
05. Adrenalize - Forest Interlude
06. Adrenalize - TBA
07. Adrenalize - Voices Of Passion
08. Omegatypez & The Vision - Calling (Edit)
09. Wasted Penguinz & Adrenalize - TBA
10. Frontliner - I'm The Melodyman
11. Adrenalize - Magical World
12. Frontliner - Phaseriffic
13. Adrenalize & Omegatypez? - TBA
14. Adrenalize & ? - TBA
15. Omegatypez & Adrenalize - TBA
16. Omegatypez - Digital Revolution
17. The Pitcher - Serenity
Edited by Chaotic_Spirit on 21-10-2012 00:29
J0hn -
Thanks, that's great. Added it to the OP.
exilioxhemar -

01. Intro
02. Adrenalize - Secrets Of Time
03. Blademasterz - One Blade
04. D-Block & S-te-Fan ft. Wildstylez - The Human Soul
05. Adrenalize - Forest Interlude
06. The Anarchist - In Circles
07. Adrenalize - Voices Of Passion
08. Omegatypez & The Vision - Calling (Edit)
09. Wasted Penguinz & Adrenalize - TBA
10. Frontliner - I'm The Melodyman
11. Adrenalize - Magical World
12. Frontliner - Phaseriffic
13. Adrenalize - Sleepless
14. Shadix - Welcome To Shadix
15. ID
16. Omegatypez - Digital Revolution
17. The Pitcher - Serenity
Edited by exilioxhemar on 21-10-2012 00:48
B. -
fck deze was lekker!  :worship:
Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
afsluiten met Serenity  :L baas

16. Omegatypez - Digital Revolution  :L
10. Frontliner - I'm The Melodyman  :)
07. Adrenalize - Voices Of Passion  :L
03. Blademasterz - One Blade  :)
08. Omegatypez & The Vision - Calling (Edit)  :)
Shadix -
14: Shadix - Welcome to Shadix  :)
SirConceptz -
Great set  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:  (L)  (L)  (L)  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :info:  :info:  :info:  :L  :L  :L  :L  :L  :L
Spector45 -
Hoe kun je deze sets luisteren / downloaden?  :$
Scooby-Doo -
SQooby-Doo & Stampertje

En dit mannetje is pas 15....wauw !!

Dit word een hele grote !!
DutchMaster -
Nee, ik ben niet DE DutchMaster
On 21-10-2012 11:10:55, Spector45 wrote:

Hoe kun je deze sets luisteren / downloaden?  :$

Rechtsbovenin staan websites waarvandaan je ze kan downloaden. (als je ze intussen nog niet gevonden had)

OT, goede smaak heeft die jongen wel  :)
Edited by DutchMaster on 21-10-2012 13:23
 :thumbsup2:  :worship:  :worship:  :w00t:  :w00t:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :yay:  :yay:
B. -
Ligt het nu aan mij of mis ik een paar nummers?
AeriusX -
Nemen we deze ook maar mee, helaas het feest gemist maar morgen onderweg naar stage ga ik het beleven  :D  :w00t:
MikeMoll -
Waar kan ik ze downloaden??
B. -
On 22-10-2012 17:36:54, MikeMoll wrote:

Waar kan ik ze downloaden??

Bovenaan de site, rechterkant, zippyshare link klikken dan weer klikken of wachten, downloaden
Letwan -
knap voor ze 15 jarige leeftijd  :D al vond ik zijn set 3x nix
Morango -
What is real?
...the mixing isn't good ...

so this +50 is because of the new artist and new tracks?
5lim.. -
Nustyle (150 bpm) composer
On 23-11-2012 17:25:28, Morango wrote:

...the mixing isn't good ...

so this +50 is because of the new artist and new tracks?

100% yes.. and all those kids just love every new ADRENALIZE creation!
JNKz -
hardcore 4 life!
On 23-11-2012 18:31:13, 5lim.. wrote:


100% yes.. and all those kids just love every new ADRENALIZE creation!

hardstyle parties gonna be 15+ ^^