Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Degos & Re-Done @ Voltage Promo Mix


Submitted by: DJAndyCurrie @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:02:13
Rated by: DJAndyCurrie Hardflamer K-Star P4RTYLOV3R B.A.S.H Ivanow AgeJ Zirkum timmytim00
Favorited by: B.A.S.H

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1. The Machine - Place Of Terror (Crypsis Remix)
2. Geck-o - Oh!
3. Deetox - Black Magic
4. Phrantic - Overdose
5. Phuture Noize - Extend
6. Digital Punk & Profyler - Dark Symphony
7. DHHD - Funky Shit (Degos & Re-Done Skuimbek Mix)
8. Prefix & Density - Locked Up
9. Luna & Crypsis - Torture
10. Crypsis ft. Sasha F - Get Hit
11. Sasha F - Hardstyle Matters
12. The Beholder & Digital Punk - Machine Master
13. DJ Thera & Geck-o - Troll Face
14. Degos & Re-Done - Crisis
15. Luna - Unlocked
16. Degos & Re-Done - Outside The Box (Live Edit)
17. Tat & Zat - Proud To Be Loud
18. The R3bels - Pattern 2
19. DJ Thera - Stash
20. Degos & Re-Done - Synthgeweld 2012

Hardflamer -
1. The Machine - Place Of Terror (Crypsis Remix)
2. Geck-o - Oh!
3. Deetox - Black Magic
4. Phrantic - Overdose
5. Phuture Noize - Extend
6. Digital Punk & Profyler - Dark Symphony
7. DHHD - Funky Shit (Degos & Re-Done Skuimbek Mix)
8. Prefix & Density - Locked Up
9. Luna & Crypsis - Torture
10. Crypsis & Sasha F - Get Hit
11. Sasha F - Hardstyle Matters
12. The Beholder & Digital Punk - Machine Master
13. Geck-o - Space Jam
14. Degos & Re-Done - Crisis
15. Luna - Unlocked
16. Degos & Re-Done - Outside The Box (Live Edit)
17. Tat & Zat - Proud To Be Loud
18. The R3bels - Pattern 2
19. DJ Thera - Stash
20. Degos & Re-Done - Synthgeweld 2012
B.A.S.H -
To weird to live, To rare to die
Brilliant set.
Jacknife -
13. DJ Thera & Geck-O - Troll Face
Edited by Jacknife on 21-10-2012 04:18