1. Oddball (Original mix) - Broken Robot Records
2. Little Big Life - Unreleased
3. Eye Of The Beholder (feat. Ott) - Phar Psyde Records
4. The Tube (Grow Your Own mix) - Unreleased
5. Frogology - Frogadelic Records
6. Durka Durka - Phar Psyde Records
7. Inner Inca - Unreleased
8. The Philosopher's Tone - Unreleased
"The first 30 minutes of this recording is the live soundtrack to "Grow Your Own", a film by Anita Shukla - "
1. Oddball (Original mix) - Broken Robot Records
2. Little Big Life - Unreleased
3. Eye Of The Beholder (feat. Ott) - Phar Psyde Records
4. The Tube (Grow Your Own mix) - Unreleased
5. Frogology - Frogadelic Records
6. Durka Durka - Phar Psyde Records
7. Inner Inca - Unreleased
8. The Philosopher's Tone - Unreleased