Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

F. Noize @ Teknodrome


Submitted by: F.Noize @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Filetype: 256 kbit MP3
Length: 01:40:00

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Here my last live set, with few new unreleased track, some old glorys and new shit!!!
1 hour and 40 minutes of full banging tracks!!! ENJOY MOTHERFU****z, and ofcourse rate and comment!


Rated by: The_Insaniak djdesudo mabrookpskt Artistic_HB robinhc DieBilo
Favorited by: DieBilo

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  F. Noize Intro 2012
1. Vextor vs. F. Noize - Real Fight
2. Tommyknocker - T-2012
3. Endymion & The Viper - How Long
4. Kasparov - Pessa Pessa Hardcore Hooligan Mash Up
5. Mad Dog vs Meccano Twins - Meccane B.O.B. (F. Noize Mash-Up)
6. Neophyte & The Viper - Peace
7. The Melodyst & NeoX - The End Of The Road
8. Tommyknocker & DJ Mad Dog - Chronic Disorder/French Connection
9. Vextor - Come With Me (Main Mix)
10. Dione & Ruffneck - Hellburner
11. AniMe - A-Bomb
12. Tommyknocker Ft. The Wishmaster - Supernatural
13. The Melodyst & NeoX - Ready Or Not
14. Traxtorm Gangstaz Allied - Hardcore Italia
15. Noize Suppressor - Push It
16. Nosferatu - Gas Met Die Klote (Mash Up) (Vextor Edit)
17. Turbulence - 6 Million Ways To Die (F. Noize Remix)
18. Section Grabuge - People Will Die (Tieum Remix)
19. Paul Elstak - Bad Girl
20. Nosferatu & Partyraiser - Still Cruel (Elvis Tribute)
21. X-Mind, Zeta Reticuli & Overcome - One Chance (Bartoch Remix)
22. Paul Elstak & Partyraiser - Back From The Dead
23. Vextor - You Know (DJ Flame Remix)
24. Hardbouncer - Devils Music
25. D-ohmicyd ft. Wars Industry - Venga
26. Section Grabuge - Fuck 'Em All
27. OGM909 - Fuckin Bitch (Bartoch Remix)
28. Hardbouncer - God Core
29. Hardbouncer - Souls On Fire
30. F. Noize ft. Zeta Reticuli - Show N Prove
31. The Sickest Squad - Opera Prima
32. F. Noize ft. Glenx - Superman 2012
33. F. Noize - The Wall Of Death
34. YK Project - Beautiful People
35. Shadowlands Terrorists - Shadowlands Anthem (The Sickest Squad Bootleg)
36. Vextor vs F. Noize - Farina's Therapy

Artistic_HB -
VERY NICE!!  :worship: