Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Lowroller @ Face Of War Promo Mix 01


Submitted by: AlanIsDOMINATOR @
Last edited by: PatrickG88 @

Length: 00:16:00

More info

Rated by: DJTheJoker AlanIsDOMINATOR kasselbrotzer Heet parannoyed Brain JakHalz H8core Zero12 MicroClown PrincessKaos Hansolo Jokor
Favorited by: kasselbrotzer PrincessKaos


1) I:Gor - Too Hot (Lowroller rmx)
2) Lowroller - Crossroad
3) Lowroller feat Komprex - Raise Of The Abyss Vip
4) Lowroller vs AK Industry - Amater4tsu
5) Angerfist - Incoming (Lowoller rmx)
6) Lowroller - Eat Shit And Die
7) Negative A - Spiteful (Lowroller rmx)
8) Lowroller - No Fear
9) Lowroller - Mixbreed Soldier Revisited
10) Lowroller - Paper Zombie

zippy link add  :thumbsup:

Edit: Why don't exist a crossbreed tag for this types of sets?
Edited by AlanIsDOMINATOR on 14-09-2012 17:54
DelugeOfSound [Moderator] -
On 14-09-2012 17:49:11, AlanIsDOMINATOR wrote:

zippy link add  :thumbsup:

Edit: Why don't exist a crossbreed tag for this types of sets?

Cause dnb and hardcore will suffice for now.

No industrial anywhere to be seen in this set.
Edited by DelugeOfSound on 14-09-2012 18:01
i am not agree man  :p but i respect the rules of this website  =D
On 14-09-2012 18:00:52, DelugeOfSound wrote:


Cause dnb and hardcore will suffice for now.

No industrial anywhere to be seen in this set.

i am not agree man this is not dnb or hc  :p but i respect the rules of this website  =D greetings  :beer:
Sm0keythebandit -
It's backwards!
On 14-09-2012 18:12:34, AlanIsDOMINATOR wrote:

i am not agree man  :p but i respect the rules of this website  =D

i am not agree man this is not dnb or hc  :p but i respect the rules of this website  =D greetings  :beer:

Yes that's why it is tagged with both genius.

It's a sick sick sick thing, it steals everything good from 2 different genres only to butcher it back together with a overload of flanger/hi pass filters and what not.

#1 Kicks were taken from Industrialized Hardcore
#2 Snares/Breaks directly taken from DnB Scene + key tempo's are identical to dnb releases so are the build up/breakdowns

Yes this is a "crossbreed" between hc and dnb

now run along.
DelugeOfSound [Moderator] -
On 14-09-2012 18:12:34, AlanIsDOMINATOR wrote:

i am not agree man this is not dnb or hc  :p but i respect the rules of this website  =D greetings  :beer:

Its a hybrid genre combining elements of both dnb and hc. In fact, the nekrolog1k sound is much like hardcore with some added snares here and there.

We do realise this style is on the rise, so we'll keep an eye on it.
If this genre evolves more we will reconsider adding a tag for it, but as for now this will suffice.
Edited by DelugeOfSound on 14-09-2012 18:34
On 14-09-2012 18:25:37, Sm0keythebandit wrote:


Yes that's why it is tagged with both genius.

It's a sick sick sick thing, it steals everything good from 2 different genres only to butcher it back together with a overload of flanger/hi pass filters and what not.

#1 Kicks were taken from Industrialized Hardcore
#2 Snares/Breaks directly taken from DnB Scene + key tempo's are identical to dnb releases so are the build up/breakdowns

Yes this is a "crossbreed" between hc and dnb

now run along.

i understand that man crossbreed is an hibryd between dnb and hc  :p sorry if my comment disturb you i am not here to star a stupid discussion i've seen much in this website  xD take it easy  :beer:
On 14-09-2012 18:33:58, DelugeOfSound wrote:


Its a hybrid genre combining elements of both dnb and hc. In fact, the nekrolog1k sound is much like hardcore with some added snares here and there.

We do realise this style is on the rise, so we'll keep an eye on it.
If this genre evolves more we will reconsider adding a tag for it, but as for now this will suffice.

so much clear  =D thanks for your explanation really appreciate it  :D