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Durcheinander @ Erfunden Podcast 04


Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:05:06

More info
ERFUNDEN | Pod 004 | Durcheinander

"4th Erfunden's podcast by Durcheinander (Juan Ocampo).
Juan Ocampo AKA Durcheinander was born in the 90s in Colombia. He Discovered Music at 7 years old. First the discovered classical music , then he discovered ethnic latin rhytim music. At 14 years old , he began to produce electronic music. With the years , His Pasion for electronic music has taken the major part of his life. he Likes the particularly deep style . His artist name durcheinander means confusion due to the fact that when he began to explore elecronic music production his approach became experimental with different organic sounds and glitch. The musical idea that is behind this artist today, is one that is based around obscure melodies transforming it self in to driving Experimental Techno. Juan is an integral part of the techno scene in his country and is also involved in local Techno Labels in his home town of medellín."

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