Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Vinylraider @ Toxic Sickness Podcast #8 (Terror Special)

Rated by: Jokor MindestructionOfficial JakHalz gabbawhore babsjan208 bassmoejenihoren TheVinylraider Hansolo FireWire yean0

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1. SRB - Silence Is Loud
2. Tripped - 123 Kuj Gie Nog Teln (KRTM Remix)
3. KRTM - Aars Bischop
4. Drokz - Shotta
5. SRB - Beat of the Year
6. SRB - Bangkock Booster
7. SRB - Satanic Verses
8. SRB - Say Yes Go
9. Detest - Victim in Pain
10. Detest - Escape
11. Detest - Madball (The DJ Producer Remix)
12. KRTM - Rakuza - Ill Boy (KRTM's Zieke Jongen Remix)
13. Paranoizer - Chainsaw ([KRTM] Remix)
14. Srb - Guitar Hero
15. SRB - Mind Over Matter
16. ID (SRB - ID)
17. SRB - Call The Cops
18. DJ Skinhead - Extreme Terror (Neophyte Remix)

VerCouter -
Is kaas met een e?
Vette set hoor! Goodwork!  :)
Edited by VerCouter on 08-12-2012 12:46
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
new link