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"Unfortunately, the recording is made ​​of the four on Saturday TachelesHardcore nothing. But I've played the night before on the same LIVETEKNO 5.1 the set and what has become THE recording. I can not say now what I have done better, but he is not gone bad. Now and then nothing happens (continuous loop), because what I had to check on the PA, but all's been kicking. The first quarter is very doomy with 140-150bpm (Stan Grewzell). Then a section laaanger comes with driving around 180bpm. I've noticed that some are pitched Grewzell tracks very cool. And in the last quarter there's iGi-noise. I was loving asked again "So young, we never get back together" to play.
Both parties were also very cool in my opinion! At times the place thanks to the VAs."