Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Henzel & Disco Nova @ Qlub Underground Radio #28

Electro   House

Submitted by: Morango @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 01:00:00

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Rated by: steviedoyle Opperhoofd mean
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01. Boys Noize - Donnastag
02. Harvard Bass & Bart B More - Pari (NOOB Remix)
03. Locked Groove - Structure
04. Ego Troopers - Whale
05. Forest People - Tetragrammaton (Nihil's Agnostic Dog Remix)
06. Pilo - Encryption
07. Les Petits Pilous - Drop It (Audionite's Remix)
08. Blawan - Peaches
09. Harvard Bass - Bugged
10. I-Punk - Satisfaction (Nickel Remix)
11. roeVy - Blacksmoke (ROB DE LARGE remix)
12. Attaque - Envelopes
13. Ado - Revenue
14. Umek - Slap (TWR72 remix)
15. Rob Threezy - Chicago On Acid
16. Shifted - Leather (Original Mix)
17. Emptyset - Avichi (Monoloc Remix)
18. LA Riots - The Drop (Duke Dumont Move Like A Bullet Train Remix)
19. James Hanser - Reverse
20. DJ Hyperactive - Wide Open
21. Plastician - Retro