Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Zerathep @ Pharaoh's Summer Break Podcast 2012


Submitted by: Zerathep @

Filetype: 256 kbit MP3
Length: 01:03:47

More info podcast #18

Rated by: Zerathep
Favorited by: Zerathep


01. Noisecontrollers - Pillars Of Creation
02. Toneshifterz - How We Do it
03. Audiofreq - Tear U Down
04. Technoboy Meets Ruffian - The Undersound (Audiofreq remix)
05. Tuneboy - Tell Me About it
06. Scope DJ & Audiofreq - Robot
07. Noisecontrollers - E=NC2
08. Noisecontrollers - So High
09. E-Force - Passion for Life
10. Toneshifterz - Elektro Shock (2011 Remix)
11. DJ Thera ft Yuna-X - Its A Fine Day
12. Geck-O - Sticky Disco (Backstreet Banana Mix)
13. Pavo - Let’s Go
14. Donkey Rollers - Hardstyle Rockers (Neilio Remix)
15. Arkaine - Universe Of Light
16. Arkaine and Adrenalize - Edge Of Doom
17. Digital Punk Vs. Profyler Vs. Nikkita - Bringing The Torture (Re-Hard Mash Up)
18. Headhunterz - Eternalize (Hardbass 2012 anthem)
19. Wild Motherfuckers - The BPM Track