Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Scot Project @ SSL Labelparty


Submitted by: TomStyle @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Length: 01:56:25
Rated by: OldschoolRaver bizznizz Opperhoofd Rown7Z steviedoyle Hansolo

View as plain text


  Part 1
1. Lambda - Hold On Tight 2000
2. ID (ID)
3. Azzido Da Bass - Dooms Night (Timo Maas Remix)
4. DJ Scot Project - F (Future Is Now)
5. Daisy Dee - Open Sesame (DJ Scot Project Remix)
6. Beam vs Cyrus - Thunder In Paradise (DJ Scot Project Remix)
7. ID (ID)
8. Meteor Seven - Universal Music (DJ Scot Project Remix)
9. ID (ID)
  Part 2
10. ID (ID)
11. Arome - Scream (DJ Scot Project Remix)
12. ID (Crazy)
13. ID (ID)
14. ID (ID)
15. Elektrochemie LK - Schall
16. ID (Loosing Control)
17. DJ X2000 - Modem (DJ Scot Project Remix)
18. Nightclub - French Kiss (DJ Scot Project Remix)
19. ID (ID)

OldschoolRaver -
i know this set
and this set is awesome
a present for the ears
SoundTrader -
▓\/▓ ▓\▓ ▓\/▓ ▓_
Part 1

01. Lambda - Hold On Tight'2000
02. ID
03. Azzido Da Bass - Dooms Night (Timo Maas remix)
04. DJ Scot Project - Future Is Now ?
05. Daisy Dee - Open Sesame (DJ Scot Project Remix) ?
06. Beam VS Cyrus - Thunder In Paradise (DJ Scot Project Remix)
07. ID
08. Meteor Seven - Universal Music (DJ Scot Project Remix)
09. ID

Part 2

01. ID
02. Arome - Scream (DJ Scot Project Remix)
03. ID - Crazy
04. ID
05. ID
06. Elektrochemie LK - Schall
07. ID - Loosing Control
08. DJ X2000 - Modem (DJ Scot Project Remix?)
09. Nightclub - French Kiss (DJ scot Project Remix)
10. ID
TomStyle -
Wobble Bass
On 08-02-2009 11:55:40, SoundTrader wrote:

Part 1

01. Lambda - Hold On Tight'2000
02. ID
03. Azzido Da Bass - Dooms Night (Timo Maas remix)
04. DJ Scot Project - Future Is Now ?
05. Daisy Dee - Open Sesame (DJ Scot Project Remix) ?
06. Beam VS Cyrus - Thunder In Paradise (DJ Scot Project Remix)
07. ID
08. Meteor Seven - Universal Music (DJ Scot Project Remix)
09. ID

Part 2

01. ID
02. Arome - Scream (DJ Scot Project Remix)
03. ID - Crazy
04. ID
05. ID
06. Elektrochemie LK - Schall
07. ID - Loosing Control
08. DJ X2000 - Modem (DJ Scot Project Remix?)
09. Nightclub - French Kiss (DJ scot Project Remix)
10. ID

Tay -
can anyone re-upload this mix please?
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
On 28-11-2013 16:40:40, Tay wrote:
can anyone re-upload this mix please?

mixcloud link added
MattiX -
If its possible can som1 upload Part 2 thanks.
MattiX -
01. Lambda - Hold On Tight (Nalin & Kane Remix)
02. Recycled Loops - Rock The Discotheque (Original Mix)
03. ID - ID
04. Azzido Da Bass - Doom's Night (Timo Maas Remix)
05. ID - ID
06. Daisy Dee - Open Seseme (DJ Scot Project Remix)
07. Beam Vs. Cyrus - Thunder In Paradise (DJ Scot Project Remix)
08. ID - ID
09. Meteor Seven - Universal Music (DJ Scot Project Remix)
10. ID - ID
11. Arome - Scream (DJ Scot Project Remix)
Edited by MattiX on 19-12-2014 07:29
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
On 16-12-2014 09:16:03, MattiX wrote:

If its possible can som1 upload Part 2 thanks.

Done  :thumbsup: