On 09-04-2012 15:24:42, Haardkoor wrote:
beter you call it just tieum vs bartoch, i was expecting (more) EST tracks ..
On 12-06-2012 00:09:46, Persona wrote:
E.S.T. is actually (originated as) Tieum , Bartoch and Cyane.
In fact , the project consists more of Bartoch & Cyane than it does with Tieum.
It's usually 2 of them that form E.S.T. considering producing aswell as liveact at party's..or sometimes all 3.
On 12-06-2012 13:45:54, Haardkoor wrote:
every one who plays or knows EST ,knows that cyane,tieum and bartoch are EST together so i think darlime knows it to its one of my favorites so i knew it :d
On 12-06-2012 13:54:01, darklime.carnage wrote:
yep just most of the Cyane tracks i have didn't fit to the selected BPM for these sets,that's why it is mentioned it's a Tiuem & Bartoch tribute as part of EST
On 12-06-2012 13:55:34, darklime.carnage wrote:
it's EST Style tribute not EST cuz most of Cyane tracks i have didn't fit
On 12-06-2012 13:58:56, Haardkoor wrote:
yeah very slow BPM if you compare it with cyane
On 12-06-2012 15:26:10, Persona wrote:
Yea , just letting people know.
Since alot of people think its only Tieum & Bartoch..
But you did a great selection with tracks there, Darklime.
Been a serious Tieum addict for years and it's great to hear his bomb tracks mixed together.
Not interested in his present 'transformation' these days though so i'll keep grinding the old material he used to bring us with sets like this one.
On 12-06-2012 15:39:27, darklime.carnage wrote:
he has unique style in french hardcore,i belive he is best representive of this term since french hc is like gabber type,and not like dutch mainstream it's like a different sub genre
Uptempo Madness