Shoutbox: [11:47] Vinyl_Vinnie: Happy Holidays everyone!

Dmitry Marin @ Universal Love


Submitted by: Marin_D @
Last edited by: Marin_D @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 01:20:46

More info
"Universal love is the most absurd notion in the collection of ideas artificial love; it is a strange dogma lying at the basis of many faiths. In this system, the measurements of the Earth will be much better, will turn into a world without wars and conflicts, if only all mankind take and accept the idea of universal love..."

"...The third and most noble form of love, according to the ancient Greeks, is Haris, the word from which to form another - charismatic. Haris - this universal love, love for all humanity, and it is a rare form of love. Only very few of the people rise to the level of personal development. Many of the greatest men, such as Jesus, Buddha and Saint Francis of Assisi, were восславлены for their amazing ability to love so much. And these great loved mankind personality have had a more positive impact on the history of mankind than all the ever living to the kings and rulers, together...."

"Where the mind, there is a General love, reason is not that other, as a universal love. Hell invented by faith, not love, not reason. For the love of hell is terror, and for the mind it is nonsense..." "...You love, if you know what it is you love. Love is a stimulus for development, which extends life. ... Personal love concentrates of universal love and universal love - extended..."