Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Marusha @ Mayday - The Raving Society

Oldschool   Techno

Submitted by: Odyssee @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Length: 00:29:42
Rated by: DJ_Casketkrusher hardcorerepublic Hansolo skoman
Favorited by: DJ_Casketkrusher KinderenAltijdPrijs skoman

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1. Accelerator - Accelerator 3
2. Black Acid - Ariella
3. Re-Actor - Setup 1
4. Secret Base - Warpmission
5. Future Primitive - Lift Me Up
6. Jimmy J & Cru L T - Take Me Away
7. Moby - Feeling So Real
8. Renegate & Static - We'll Delete The Weak
9. Sensitive - God Stepped Out (Casseopaya Remix)
10. 3 Steps Ahead - Hardcore
11. Meteor 7 - Signs Of Life
12. Marusha - Raveland

hardcorerepublic [Moderator] -
♪ ♫♫ ♪
1. Lift Me Up - Future Primitive (Kniteforce Records)
2. Take Me Away - Jimmy J & Cru-l-t (Remix Records)
3. Feeling So Real (WestBam Mix) - Moby
4. Signs Of Life - Meteor Seven
5. Raveland - Marusha
DJ_Casketkrusher -
DJ Casketkrusher, Early Hardcore
1. Accelerator - Accelerator 3
2. Black Acid - Ariella
3. Re-Actor - Setup 1
4. Secret Base - Warpmission
5. Future Primitive - Lift me up
6. Jimmy J & Cru L T - Take me away
7. Moby - Feeling so real
8. Renegate & Static - We'll delete the weak (original mix)
9. Sensitive - God Stepped Out (Casseopaya Remix)
10. 3 Steps Ahead - Hardcore
11. Meteor 7 - Signs of life
12. Marusha - Raveland
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
new link added
mrbobross -
Added a new DL-link (which contains a longer broadcast than earlier posted)