Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Maximumraver @ De Thuisbar 27 (Jedi Radio)


Submitted by: Maximumraver @
Last edited by: Maximumraver @

Filetype: VBR MP3
Length: 01:59:45

More info
This is the recording of my 2 hour weekly Hardstyle show on Jedi Radio.  :)

Wanna listen? (19.00-21.00 every Thursday)

Comments, Feedback, Ratings appreciated  :)

Also, if you would like to support me, you can follow,like,fan me here:

Rated by: Pithune CrazyDutchMan Mennus MazaShakur J3fk33 sinenV HardT3K-Tic Dimax Ivanow Mr.Johnny.Napalm Sweet_Stephaniej
Favorited by: sinenV

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1. Apollo - Dance (Maximumraver 2010 Bootleg)
2. Coldplay - Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall (Wildstylez Based On Avicii Bootleg)
3. Da Tweekaz - Are You Ready?
4. Black & White ft Angie Brown - Get Ya Hands Up (Code Black Remix)
5. Waverider & Audiofreq - TMU
6. Noisecontrollers - So High
7. Alphaverb - Klubbsound
8. Bioweapon - Bass Power
9. The Pitcher - I Just Can't Stop (2011 Re-Amp)
10. The Kooks - Junk Of The Heart (D-Mind 2012 Mix)
11. E-Force - Passion For Life
12. Vamper - I Can't Forget
13. Da Tweekaz - Funky Get Looze
14. F8trix - Game Is Mine
15. Toneshifterz & NitrouZ - Take My Breath Away
16. Gostosa - Sutra
17. Code Black - Visions
18. Noiseshock - Gearbox America Theme
19. Headhunterz - Last Of The Mohicanz
20. Code Black & Wasted Penguinz - Your Moment
21. SweClubberz - Cold Atmosphere
22. S-Dee - Wanna See You (New Edit)
23. G1 & Twizted ft. Triple 6 - Hardstyle Society Anthem
24. Klonez Vs. Busho - Wreak Havoc (Alphaverb Re-Venge Mix)
25. Frequencerz & In-Phase - Fight For Survival (Original Mix)
26. B-Front - Virus
27. Intractable One - Ginger (AVIO's Black Edit)
28. Southstylers - Pounding Senses (Kodex Bootleg)
29. DJ Thera - Live Hard Now (Ground Zero Anthem 2011)
30. Degos & Re-Done - Forsaken
31. Nosferatu - The Underground Stream

djblacksun -
Fake Shit
31. Nosferatu - The Underground Stream

Hardcore at the end
Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
Yeah  :) Not enough to warrant an extra tag though  :p
sinenV -

Crazy mix you've got here, excellent track selection and buildup you've got going on.
Edited by sinenV on 24-03-2012 02:58
Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
Thanks man  :)!
HardT3K-Tic [Set Editor] -
Nosferatu - The Underground Stream +
Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
Altijd de laatste track die je vet vind he  :p
Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
On 23-03-2012 23:22:47, sinenV wrote:


Crazy mix you've got here, excellent track selection and buildup you've got going on.

Update: Thanks man! Very much appreciated  :D!!
RayDestino -
You've got really cool mix-skills, it was pure pleasure for me to listen your set. Now I'm looking forward for next episode  :)
Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
Thanks man!  :) Each episode has a different style of Hardstyle  :p I announce it everytime before the show starts @  :) I'm thinking the next "may" be EHS and such again but I'm not sure yet  :p
Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
Correction, Hardstyle from 2007 till 2010 will be the next one  :p (In 40 minutes to be exact  :p)
alberlineo -
 :)  :)  :)  :)