Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Creators Project @ Gearbox Fear.Fm Harder Stream Week 22

Rated by: mazzanotti M0rtenK RayDestino L.Wee B.A.S.H Regain Mortenfreeze K-Star djdesudo Opperhoofd TheUnit EviLiv


01. Noisecontrollers - Pillars of Creation
02. Code Black vs. Toneshifterz ft. S-Dee - Get Your Hands Up & Party Down (Identic Mashup)
03. Zatox Featuring Max Enforcer - It Must Be
04. Frontliner - If You Find
05. Kold Konexion - Minus One
06. Zanza Labs - Control The Mind
07. Builder - Her Voice (Super Bass Mix)
08. Headhunterz - Doomed (Blabla Edit)
09. Zany Ft. Harmonik - Evolution
10. Outsiders - Maneater
11. Jones and B-Front - Lunatick (Raw Mix)
12. The Prophet Vs Deepack - Stampuhh! (Beholder & Max Enforcer Remix)
13. Alpha2 - Unleashed (Original Mix)
14. Wild Motherfuckers - Wildest
15. Noisyboy - Creative
16. DJ Thera - Disturbia (The R3belz Remix)
17. Donkey Rollers - Fusion of Sound
18. A-Lusion - Be Yourself

mazzanotti -
01. Noisecontrollers - Pillars of Creation
05. Kold Konexion - Minus One
06. Zanza Labs - Control The Mind

RayDestino -
Some "classic" stuff  :yum:
M0rtenK -
On 14-03-2012 18:02:45, RayDestino wrote:

Some "classic" stuff  :yum:

Indeed  :worship:
alberlineo -
 :D  :D  :D  :D  :D