Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Nielos & Bart Hard @ Ben Harder Show 180

Industrial Hardcore   Darkcore   Techno

Submitted by: Nielos @
Last edited by: HardT3K-Tic @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 02:00:00

More info
Second hour by Bart Hard!
Very cool experimental hour!

Rated by: PatrickG88 Xerxes loganaxo HardT3K-Tic Maximumraver vbalazs EdwinH4L Robintjuh MaGGieL KBZLL greg4850 barthard47 Zero12 [deleted user]


Hour 01: Nielos el lazeros

01. Collision - Synarchism
02. Labyrinth - Sunset Shore
03. Nekra Damage - Deurtz
04. Embrionyc - Black Mamba
05. Ophidian - Groundwalker
06. Deceiver - Shock! Horror!
07. Void Settler - Yehgeth of the Dragon
08. Mute. - Hospital
09. Napalm Candy - Dark Overdrive
10. Chaosbringer - Eternal Sadness (The Outside Agency Remix)
11. Carnage & Zanthrax - Caged Fury 5
12. Cipher - Body Bag
13. Tymon - Ambush
14. Void Settler - Blackguard (The Teknoist Remix)
15. Ruffneck & Sei2ure - Armorgeddon
16. G-Shock - Demons (Promo Remix)

Hour 02: Bart Hard

17. Al Ferox - Hymn Of Death
18. Society Of Unknows - Dead By Dawn (The Endless Mix)
19. aleXdee - There Is Nothing
20. Joker - Sweet Violence
21. Old Apparatus - Old Apparatus
22. Temporal Marauder - Subtractive Existence (Part 1)
23. Kid Baltan - Song Of The Second Moon
24. Autechre - nth Dafuseder.b
25. V/Vm - Euro Hit
26. Humanoid - Stakker Humanoid (Snowman Mix)
27. Joey Beltram - Energy Flash
28. DJ Edge - S.F. (Acid Mix)
29. The Justified Ancients Of Mu Mu - It's Grim Up North (Part 2)
30. Noisia - Machine Gun (Extended Version)
31. Bryan Zentz - Enter Herr Richter
32. Atom-X - Attack Two
33. Noise Connection - A.U.T.I.S.
34. House Pimps - Get The Hook (Ilsa Gold Remix)
35. Holographic - Androigyn

PatrickG88 [Set Editor] -
[Tʜᴇ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Bᴏx]
Tags: IND - DARK - TNO  :thumbsup:

Nice show for this one  8-)
MaGGieL -
AA is for quitters
Helemaal geen G-Shock - Demons (Promo Remix)
Harde shizzle  :worship:
Nielos -
Frenchkickz Records Owner
On 20-02-2012 14:02:24, MaGGieL wrote:

Helemaal geen G-Shock - Demons (Promo Remix)

Je hebt gelijk, die draaide ik toen wel.
Waarschijnlijk gecut tijdens de show.