Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

digitalMind @ Hardstylesessions 12

Hardstyle   Hardcore

Submitted by: digitalMind @

Length: 01:20:45

More info
digitalMind - Hardstylesessions 12


Rated by: digitalMind TheKing


F8Trix - Flavaa'
Headhunterz - Dragonborn
E-Force - Who the hell are you
F8Trix - The game is mine
E-Force - The system
Frontliner & Max Enforcer - We forget to live
Danouh - If
Frontliner & Deepack - Move to this (Cat-blocked-my-play-button-bad-mixing-in-edit)
Ran-D & MC Villain - X
Code Black - Fear
Zatox - Winter
Donkey Rollers - Innocent
Frontliner & Ran-D - Skills
Donkey Rollers - Immortal
Coone & Technoboy - Nustyle crap (Coone goes wild mix)
Coone & Technoboy - Nustyle crap (Technoboy goes crazy mix)
Re-Volt - Invictus
Tatanka - Doomsday (The R3belz remix)
Radical Redemption - You dont know shit
Radical Redemption & Crypsis - Darkness is calling
Radical Redemption - Annihilate

TheKing -
Gooi er eens wat oldskool tracks door joh!  :D