Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Andy Düx @ Mayday - The Raving Society

Techno   Oldschool   UK Happy Hardcore

Submitted by: Odyssee @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Rated by: hardcorerepublic Keana DJ_Casketkrusher Swampthing

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1. Andy Düx & Jan Pravda - Round One
2. Luna-C - Piano Progression (Special Edition Mix)
3. Future Primitive - Lift Me Up
4. Seduction & Dougal - Its Not Over
5. Mental Power - Dream Sequence (Back 2 Basics Remix)
6. Dougal & Micky Skeedale - Really Love You
7. Headcase - Critical Rhythm
8. DJ Red Alert & Mike Slammer - In Effect
9. DJ Slam - Hold On
10. DJ Seduction & Dougal - Better Day
11. Moby - Feeling So Real (Main Mix)
12. DJ Seduction - Sample-Mania
13. Ravers Choice - Keep Rushin'
14. Ramos, Supreme, Sunset Regime - Marley's Rush (Absolutely Wicked Mix)
15. Cherry Moon Trax II - Let There Be House

pointzero -
New Link, genre isn´t Hardtrance but more Early Rave/Oldschool or UK Happy Hardcore, Artist is Andy Düx - not Dux
Edited by pointzero on 03-08-2019 19:17
mrbobross -
New link