Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Jim Justice @ Qountdown 2011-2012


Submitted by: Opperhoofd @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 00:51:46
Rated by: Opperhoofd EviLiv Scooby-Doo steviedoyle P4RTYLOV3R stefan88pt Siupak djdesudo jimjustice B-ass Ivanow MELANGE Haatpiraat Edwinn Ramon sHizo SimonBelmont Kapik Hansolo
Favorited by: Opperhoofd

View as plain text


  not in this recording:
1. Yves Deruyter - Back To Earth (DJ Scot Project Remix)
2. Geck-e - E Yeah
3. Stana - Awesome (Diablik Remix)
4. Sam Punk - My Bloody Valentine (Jim Justice Remix)
5. Activator - Larkee
6. DJ Scot Project - H (Hurricane)
7. DJ Vortex & Arpa's Dream - Incoming (Arome Remix)
8. BRK3 - Free (JJ Remix & Qountdown Theme Edit)
9. Masif DJ's - No Alternative (Wragg & Log:One Bootleg)
10. Luca Antolini - Control Your Body (Mashup 2011 Remix)
11. Walt - Let The Music Play
12. Cortina - Music is Moving (Luca Antolini & Andrea Montorsi Remix)

Opperhoofd -
Seriously, EviLiv was jumping allover the place during this set!  :worship:
EviLiv -
On 29-01-2012 19:02:17, Opperhoofd wrote:

Seriously, EviLiv was jumping allover the place during this set!  :worship:

idd its the only set worth dl again even  (L)

for the rest i rather had some sets from other area was sooo much better there than in main area
steviedoyle [Set Editor] -
Life begins at 140
Siupak -
Music Junkie
 :yay:  _O-
jimjustice -
Wauw tnx for uploading! wondered if this was ever gonna be available  :)

1. Calling earth - Yves the Ruyter (Scot P remix) (not on this recording)
2. E Yeah - Geck-e
3. Awesome - Stana (diablik remix)
4. my Bloody valentine - Sam Punk (Jim Justice remix)
5 Larkee - Activator
6. ID - ID
7. Incoming - DJ Vortex (Arome rmx)
8. FREE - BRK3 (JJ RMx & Qountdown theme edit)
9. no alternative - Wrag log one bootleg
10. Controll your body Mash up - Luca Antolini
11. Let the music play - Walt
12 Music is moving - Cortina (Luca antolini & Andrea montorsi rmx)
Haatpiraat -
Hardtrance not totally my thing.

But it sounded really good that night  :)
brian-hayes -
hardcorerepublic [Moderator] -
♪ ♫♫ ♪
01. Yves the Ruyter - Calling Earth (Scot P Remix) (not on this recording)
02. Geck-e - E Yeah
03. Stana - Awesome (Diablik Remix)
04. Sam Punk - My Bloody Valentine (Jim Justice Remix)
05. Activator - Larkee
06. Scot Project - H (Hurricane)
07. DJ Vortex - Incoming (Arome Remix)
08. BRK3 - Free (JJ RMx & Qountdown Theme Edit)
09. ID - No Alternative (Wrag & Log One Bootleg)
10. Luca Antolini - Control Your Body (Mashup 2011 Remix)
11. Walt - Let The Music Play
12. Cortina - Music is moving (Luca Antolini & Andrea Montorsi Remix)
Edited by hardcorerepublic on 30-01-2012 22:35
djdesudo -
Gearbox Owns The Night
On 30-01-2012 19:14:06, Haatpiraat wrote:

Hardtrance not totally my thing.

But it sounded really good that night  :)

that's cause Jimmy Boy is a legend, knows exactly what to be picking.
DjPractice -
truly, a wonderful set. I am definitely going to making more of an effort to follow Jim's Djing and producing

great work Jim  :)
jimjustice -
tnx for the support guys! let's make 2012 the best harddance year ever!
Opperhoofd -
The moment this one came in: 11. Walt - Let The Music Play

 :yay:  :L
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
On 30-01-2012 22:19:38, hardcorerepublic wrote:
01. Yves the Ruyter - Calling Earth (Scot P Remix) (not on this recording)

Is it Yves Deruyter - Back To Earth (DJ Scot Project Remix) ?

07 DJ Vortex & Arpa's Dream - Incoming (Arome Remix)
09 Masif DJ's - No Alternative (Wragg & Log:One Bootleg)
Edited by Hansolo on 02-02-2015 09:39