Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Barty Fire @ RAW 003

Rated by: SirConceptz Lucato BartyFire initz Kona_Black BlakeDj B.A.S.H Chaotic_Spirit SchizeQ SuciF3R DriverDJ Trainfreak phamngoc NtranceR RayDestino Danes LehoS P4RTYLOV3R Regain Noize_Mastah Nedo Dimax Krisiek82 View all ratings
Favorited by: Lucato BartyFire P4RTYLOV3R


01. Digital Punk and MC Jeff - Can't Be Stopped
02. The Pitcher and B-Front - Noctus Noa
03. Coarsection & Regain - I'm Death
04. Zany and Toneshifterz - The Story
05. B-Front - Darkside
06. Frequencerz - Hate
07. Coarsection & Regain ft. Kona Black - The Cube
08. TNT - Coutdown
09. E-Force - Brutality
10. Regain - Play A Game
11. Coarsection - Two Worlds
12. Arboza - Nightmare
13. Regain and Distrow - Don't Be Afraid
14. Rawenvoys - Shadow
15. B-Front - Face The Truth
16. The Pitcher - Underwater
17. Degos and Re-Done - Yes We Know
18. Zany ft. MC DV8 - Scrambled Pt. 1
19. The R3belz - Reactivating Bionicle
20. Coarsection ft. Kona Black - Tick Tick
21. B-Front - Virus

initz -
Thx for support.  ;)
BartyFire -
Resident Dj @ Real Hardstyle
No problem bro^^^^
Trainfreak -
Nice tracklist!!
alberlineo -
great set  :thumbsup:
RayDestino -
Well done mate  :)