Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Dizzonator @ Fear FM


Submitted by: Dizzonator @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:00:32
Rated by: CrazyDutchMan Reduction NoizeEssence


01. DJ La Nina - Silence (Abyss & Judge Remix)
02. S-Factor ft. Seraina - Play
03. Dutch Master - Recalled To Life
04. D-Block & S-te-Fan ft. MC Villain & MC DV8 - A Decade Of Dedication
05. Noisecontrollers - Revolution is Here
06. DJ Phil Ty - A Kay A (Ehm... Mix)
07. Wasted Penguinz - Resistance
08. Wildstylez - Muzic Or Noize
09. Frontliner Ft. MC Villain - Who I am
10. Noisecontrollers - Big Bang
11. D-Block & S-te-Fan - Loopmachine (Dizzonator Edit)
12. Zany & DV8 - World On Fire
13. Tatanka Project - Floor Massacre MMXII (Tat & Blitz Mix)
14. Wild Motherfuckers - Hard Bass

CrazyDutchMan -
Except for 06, nice tl  :thumbsup:
Knomo -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
On 09-12-2011 17:04:50, CrazyDutchMan wrote:

Ik heb gister, uitjes gegeten
ThaMaster -
Baas in alle opzichten.
On 09-12-2011 17:04:50, CrazyDutchMan wrote:

Is het je wel is opgevallen dat ik wel is stukjes oliebol in me neus stop?

Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
01. DJ La Nina - Silence (Abyss & Judge Remix)
02. S-Factor ft. Seraina - Play

Dikke tacks die te weinig gedraaid worden  :L

06. DJ Phil Ty - A Kay A (Ehm... Mix)
09. Frontliner Ft. MC Villain - Who I am

Dikke tracks!  :thumbsup2:
Knomo -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
On 09-12-2011 17:04:50, CrazyDutchMan wrote:

Is het je wel is opgevallen dat ik wel is stukjes oliebol in me neus stop?

Gadverdamme waarom doe je dat?!  :X
Dizzonator -
Ik denk dat de poedersuiker aantrekkelijk leek en toen perongeluk oliebol in zijn neus kreeg?  :)