Shoutbox: [25-09] alexvdh: Hi, looking for a streaming link of 69db - beer plz

General discussion / RAWstyle FB page!

daKloze -
On 11-10-2013 19:05:19, Boomrups wrote:

Giving it a name does make a difference, it's coming and you can't stop it. You're different from me so you have a different name.

Solution: Scrap all names and call it dance. Oh, but this is harder, lets go with harddance. Oh but this faster, lets go with hardstyle, oh damn this is rougher, lets go with rawstyle.

Guess you're too late.

 :doh:, je maakt jezelf wel flink belachelijk nu.
G-Raver -
var trollmode = true;

On 11-10-2013 19:05:19, Boomrups wrote:
Giving it a name does make a difference, it's coming and you can't stop it.

Maybe it does for you. There's a reason why you don't see these genres at sites like lsdb and discogs because they fit in the existing ones just as nicely. Genres are out of control these days. Also I'm not the one to stop it. Boycotting any artist that uses that term is enough for me. More than enough artists left to listen to.

On 11-10-2013 19:05:19, Boomrups wrote:
Solution: Scrap all names and call it dance.

Now you're talking bullcrap. Maybe that's the steak coming out of your system in a raw format.  :yes:

trollmode = false;
DelugeOfSound [Moderator] -
I liked the steak quote tbh  :p
Jipdenk -
On 06-10-2013 17:06:22, Boomrups wrote:
PS: I'm not here to start any discussions about raw nor will i reply to anyone doing so.

Is niet helemaal volgens plan gegaan hè
Boomrups -
Ben te makkelijk, ik weet.  :')
Boomrups -
On 12-10-2013 11:27:34, daKloze wrote:


 :doh:, je maakt jezelf wel flink belachelijk nu.

Precies zo ist gegaan beste dakloze.