Shoutbox: [25-09] alexvdh: Hi, looking for a streaming link of 69db - beer plz

General discussion / Wasted Penguinz leave Scantraxx.

djblacksun -
Fake Shit

‎Wasted Penguinz Official Fan Page: "We have officially left Scantraxx Recordz. From this day forward we are no longer a part of the record label. We're now moving on with our career, new things ahead. More info coming very soon!

Greetings Pontuz & Jon."

Edited by djblacksun on 14-05-2012 21:49
Knomo -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
bye major events
dreos1337 [Set Editor] -
Jazeker, de apotheker
On 14-05-2012 23:06:50, Knomo wrote:

bye major events

Ik denk eerder: "Hallo, 40+ kazige sets in Ierland, Belgie en de rest van de landen waar ze Showtek op handen dragen"

Maar ja, who gives a fuck  :)
dreos1337 [Set Editor] -
Jazeker, de apotheker
Stoere foto trouwens, die linker heeft z'n wurgketting wel om maar zijn ze vergeten aan te lijnen.
DelugeOfSound [Moderator] -
Gotta be the end of the world as we know it...
ThaBomba. -
Drop the bomb!
Oh nee toch
Basscontrollerz -
hws ditdat
sinenV -
Legolas -
On 15-05-2012 16:24:11, sinenV wrote:

sinenV -
No one cares about them breaking up it seems  _O-
Sm0keythebandit -
It's backwards!
On 15-05-2012 18:33:59, sinenV wrote:

No one cares about them breaking up it seems  _O-

What now? i would care! totally... If i actually knew who they are.
lawless29 -
Riding along, singin a song.....
they could easily forge a career in the fashion industry the one on the left has nice hair............