Feedback / How to embed soundcloud?

AJ90NI -
Hi guys!

I was wondering how do you embed the soundcloud player in a forum post? I copy n pasted the embed code for one of my radio show podcasts, and it worked fine in the preview window but once I saved it and re-viewed it, it was just a long messy code?

Thanks to anyone who can help  :thumbsup2:
PatrickG88 [Set Editor] -
[Tʜᴇ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Bᴏx]
Click on this button from your player: > Share

... and edit your widget, for choose the Html5, Flash, Mini or Artwork player and the color.
... Copy and paste the widget code to your website!

AJ90NI -
Hey Patrick! Thanks, didn't know you could change colour etc. However, still not working for me? It works when you click preview on the forums here, but once you save it and return to the topic, it's messed up?

Can you give it a try? Here's the link:

Here's a screenshot, but then look, it's messed up once saved!

<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value=";show_comments=true&amp;auto_play=true&amp;color=1aff00"></param>; <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src=";show_comments=true&amp;auto_play=true&amp;color=1aff00"; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href="">QUB Radio - Decibel Podcast 005 (18/2/12)</a> by <a href="">jordan90</a></span>;
AJ90NI -
Edited by AJ90NI on 19-02-2012 18:03
PatrickG88 [Set Editor] -
[Tʜᴇ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Bᴏx]
Consult mstx for more informations about it (for lsdb pages / embed soundcloud)  ;)
AJ90NI -
Will do! Thanks for your help Patrick, much appreciated!  :thumbsup:
djdesudo -
Gearbox Owns The Night
[soundcloud url=""; params="show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=d01e15" width="100%" height="81" iframe="false" /]

<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value=";show_comments=true&amp;auto_play=false&amp;color=d01e15"></param>; <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src=";show_comments=true&amp;auto_play=false&amp;color=d01e15"; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href="">X-Pander &amp; Raw Manners Ft. Kimiko - From The Underground (Coarsection & Regain Remix)</a> by <a href="">Gearbox Digital</a></span>
djdesudo -
Gearbox Owns The Night
Could actually do with knowing how to do this as well. Worked fine for the preview but this is the result of submitting.
AJ90NI -
On 21-02-2012 12:04:47, djdesudo wrote:

Could actually do with knowing how to do this as well. Worked fine for the preview but this is the result of submitting.

Exactly! Just look above at the screen shot, then below it, is what it turns into  :(
Edited by AJ90NI on 21-02-2012 16:50