Radio shows / Infexious Hardstyle Radio

Calum_J -
Scotland's leading Harddance & Hardstyle brand Infexious recentaly celebrated four years of outstanding club nights bringing the freshest talents and harder sounds to the UK scene, at various venues including their most regular home Glasgow's Soundhaus. The brand also last year launched two record labels "Infexious Hardstyle" and "Infexious Harddance", and both club and label continues to grow in popularity. After about three years break from radio we thought it was time to bring back our Monthly radio show "Infexious Hardstyle Radio"

The idea of the show is showcase a) Some of the bigger guests we invite to the club, as often as not UK or Scottish exclusives. b) The music and the artists on our label such as Killaheadz, Main Concern and Illegal Chemistry, and c) The Infexious residents and local talent to a wider audience.

The two hour show presented monthly by resident Calum J, will be broadcasted on two of THE leading Hardstyle radio stations, both 'Hardstyle Channel' and 'Harder Channel' will also made available through the "Infexious Hardstyle Podcast" as well.

Expect to lots of fresh new and exciting Hardstyle !!

For the first show Infexious Hardstyle Radio 1 features 30 minute mixes from both Calum J and resident / co-founder Rob Da Rhythm and a special one hour guest mix from Fusion Records raw artists TITAN, whom will be making his UK debut at the club on Friday 4th November.

To check out the show, tune in here..

Wednesday 19 October - 7pm - 9pm (UK TIME) / 8pm - 10pm (NL TIME) : 'Hardstyle Channel'

Thursday 20 October - 1pm (UK TIME) onwards
Available as a download from

Saturday 22 October - 11am – 1pm (UK TIME) / 12pm - 2pm (NL TIME) : 'Harder Channel'

The next show will be on Mid Novermber - watch | | for info and for event / label info.
Edited by Calum_J on 19-10-2011 14:30
Calum_J -
Updated  :)
djdesudo -
Gearbox Owns The Night
Speedboats -
I want a set from Main Concern in the show  :thumbsup:
Calum_J -
As it says above we will be showcasing some artists on the label like Main Concern, it's a monthly show so you should be hearing them soon  :)
Speedboats -
On 20-10-2011 20:04:56, Calum_J wrote:

As it says above we will be showcasing some artists on the label like Main Concern, it's a monthly show so you should be hearing them soon  :)

Was in a hurry so read it fast and didnt se it  ^.^

Well, looking forward to it  :beer:
Calum_J -
On 21-10-2011 23:52:11, Speedboats wrote:


Was in a hurry so read it fast and didnt se it  ^.^

Well, looking forward to it  :beer:

Nice one mate, watch out for the next show  :thumbsup:
Calum_J -
The first INFEXIOUS HARDSTYLE RADIO SHOW last month was a great success with a massive amount of listeners from all over the world tuning in.

We are delighted to confirm the show will be each and every month now on both WWW.DI.FM and WWW.FEAR.FM (plus of course made available as a Podcast after).

This month we have two of the headliners for the December 2nd edition of our Glasgow Infexious event DIGITAL PUNK (TiLLT) and WAVERIDER (Gold! / Scantraxx) each providing exclusive guest mixes and one from your host CALUM J (The face of Infexious Radio!)

Show times are as follows...

Wednesday 23rd November 2011
20:00-22:00 UK TIME (21:00-23:00 CET) > Hardstyle Channel

Saturday 26th November 2011
11:00-13:00 UK TIME (12:00-14:00 CET)

The show will also be made available as a Podcast later.

This will be our last event for the year and we have pulled out all the stops.
DIGITAL PUNK, DJ THERA (2 Sets) and WAVERDIER all performing in the Soundhaus. If you are coming dont' forget to hceck out the event link and click attending. Tickets are flying for this one.

Calum_J -
## December - Infexious Hardstyle Show #3 ##
DUTCHMASTER | KILLAHEADZ | CALUM J - Wednesday 21st December 8-10pm UK (9-11pm CET) - Saturday 24th December 11am-1pm UK (12-2pm CET)

If you did'nt manage to tune in to the radio slot for your monthly fix of Hardstyle & Rawstyle from Infexious or you want to listen again, you can normally the next day download the entire show as part of Infexious Hardstyle Podcast

We suggest you subsrcibe to the podcast for the show and many other exzclusive mixes..

## I-Tunes Link ## (download mix / Subscribe here)

## Find out more about Infexious Hardstyle Podcast inc. Tracklists ##

## RSS Link (download mix from here) ##

## Previous Radio Shows ##

[ Radio Show #1 - Titan, Rob Da Rhythm & Calum J ]

[ Radio Show #2 - Digital Punk, Waverider & Calum J ]

ThaMaster -
Baas in alle opzichten.
Dit is zo onoverzichtelijk...
Gerome91 -
## December - Infexious Hardstyle Show #3 ##
DUTCHMASTER | KILLAHEADZ | CALUM J - Wednesday 21st December 8-10pm UK (9-11pm CET) - Saturday 24th December 11am-1pm UK (12-2pm CET).

Dit is het enigste dat nu van belang is. De rest is al geweest.
Calum_J -
On 20-12-2011 09:06:25, ThaMaster wrote:

Dit is zo onoverzichtelijk...

What do you find confusing about it and I will take it on board for easier reading in the future  :)
Calum_J -
On 20-12-2011 19:02:40, Gerome91 wrote:

## December - Infexious Hardstyle Show #3 ##
DUTCHMASTER | KILLAHEADZ | CALUM J - Wednesday 21st December 8-10pm UK (9-11pm CET) - Saturday 24th December 11am-1pm UK (12-2pm CET).

Dit is het enigste dat nu van belang is. De rest is al geweest.

Although you may have listened to the two previous shows, some people have not listened to these shows so the other information 1) gives people the opportunity to listen to previous shows and 2) gives people the opportunity to subscribe to the podcast so they do not have to look for the show each month, it will automatically download instead

I know the information for the two previous shows is listed above, however there is no links to the two previous shows there so I thought it would be helpful for people who may have not heard of/listened to the show before to have links where they can download them from, as it is a fairly new show.
Calum_J -
Make sure you tune into Infexious Hardstyle Show 004 tonight featuring mixes from resident Calum J, label residents Main Concern and a guest mix from Fusion Record's Jack of Sound, whom will be making his UK debut at Infexious meets The Magic Show on Friday the 2nd of March 2012.

To check out the show, tune in here..

Wednesday 25 January - 8pm - 10pm (UK TIME) / 9pm - 11pm (NL TIME) : 'Hardstyle Channel'

Thursday 26 January - 1pm (UK TIME) onwards
Available as a download from

Repeated every Saturday - 11am – 1pm (UK TIME) / 12pm - 2pm (NL TIME) : 'Harder Channel'
Calum_J -
Tonight we have Infexious Hardstyle Show 005 featuring the usual mix from resident Calum J and guest mixes from Audiofreq and the Toneshifterz. You will be able to catch the Toneshifterz at Infexious meets The Magic Show on Friday the 2nd of March 2012.

To check out the show, tune in here..

Wednesday 22 February - 8pm - 10pm (UK TIME) / 9pm - 11pm (NL TIME) : 'Hardstyle Channel'

Thursday 23 February - 1pm (UK TIME) onwards
Available as a download from

Repeated every Saturday - 11am – 1pm (UK TIME) / 12pm - 2pm (NL TIME) : 'Harder Channel'