Radio shows / Exclusive MiniShow @LionStyle Radio

AadMagnaat -
VANAVOND: 9 Augustus 2010

20:00 - 21:00 DJ Drake-D
21:00 - 22:00 The Lion
22:00 - 23:00 Digital Punk
23:00 - 0:00 Sasha F
Edited by AadMagnaat on 09-08-2010 12:44
tomatomartin -
Looking 4ward to it already.
Digital Punk  (L)
Sasha F  (L)
And obviously looking 4ward to hearing the usual suspects.  :thumbsup2:
Hektor -
Zuigen, kreng!
Digital Punk promo's?  :D
m4a1 -
Profyler > Digital Punk
Dakpan -
No Hostages
On 07-08-2010 19:47:56, m4a1 wrote:

Profyler > Digital Punk

En waaruit trek jij die conclusie? Profyler z'n solo's?
TimTim [Moderator] -
Feeeeeddddd Meeeee
On 07-08-2010 19:51:52, Dakpan wrote:


En waaruit trek jij die conclusie? Profyler z'n solo's?

volgens mij ging het om de seks die hij had gehad  :beer: ....

dus ja Profyler's sola  ;)  :yes:
AadMagnaat -
Tracklist is aangepast:

20:00 - 21:00 DJ Drake-D
21:00 - 22:00 The Lion
22:00 - 23:00 Digital Punk
23:00 - 0:00 Sasha F
AadMagnaat -
Nitrogen -
It's no problem for me
Nobody recorded  xD