The longest liveset I have is Sven Wittekind @ Kashmir Underground, somewhere in 2005. It's a blistering 185:43!
And I had a Thunderdome Radio special liveshow which was over 8 hours, but I have no idea where that one's gone of to.
I don't have that much livesets since I deleted a lot and I lost a lot..
Can't really choose a favorite one, though Armageddon Project @ Shadowbox 2008 comes rather close. Same goes for Teknicity (Live) @ Chaos Theory 8 (Sparks B-Day Bash; 09-06-2007)!
Fuckin' Crump
Total length: 24 h 46 min, 49 sec, My longest liveset is: Dana @ Qlimax June 2001, which is 1:26h long.
My personal best is: Thunderdome 1996 - The Prophet