Shoutbox: [05:50] dannytoplesdj: WOW! Headhunterz - Psychedelic (Danny Toples Remix)  :info:  :bomb:  xD

Feedback / Divine aka Nois3controll3r

Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
Well i guess it's all known by now but it seems "Divine" uses other people's mixes and place them under his name

pretty sad  :( i was supporting his efforts but hearing this  :no:

ThaMaster -
Baas in alle opzichten.
First answer then we will see.
SchizeQ -
Divine.. sorry  :clown:
Jro_ -
alles begint bij Headhunterz
bullshit topic = ban  :yawn:
TimTim [Moderator] -
Feeeeeddddd Meeeee
as we say it in dutch... time for goed maak seks  :L  :beer:
Star -
Queen of LSDB
On 21-09-2009 17:47:16, ThaMaster wrote:

First answer then we will see.

denk niet dat dat nog gaat komen!
gewoon wegwerken  >.<
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
On 21-09-2009 17:48:40, Jatoch wrote:

Moet jij vooral beginnen, kneus.
Ze zouden jou moeten bannen dan heb je nog kans op 'n leven.

this topic is not about me, i only considered opening it because i'm in pretty close contact with him, and i don't put him in a trashbox after these pranks.
hostage -
let him explain why he does that first imo  :)
but without any acceptable reason, I think, yes, he deserves a ban, definitive or not.  :(

that's so bad
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
On 21-09-2009 17:54:27, hostage wrote:

let him explain why he does that first imo  :)
but without any acceptable reason, I think, yes, he deserves a ban, definitive or not.  :(

that's so bad

i haven't voted because he didn't respond yet  =]
Loony -
Big Dawg
are the fake sets getting deleted?

Or will i just rename the 1's he stole to Divine The Fake
greg4850 -
Fear.FM Resident DJ
de sets from divine are very good i like them but i dont know that he uses sets from other user

but i think its better that he explain
Mind.Illusion -
fail  :')
NeRk -
ÑaM ÑaM!
Hello all, please guys, u can talk english in this forum??i think that this forum is very important and LSDB´s members should understand at least for me..if u can speak in english

thx  ;)
greg4850 -
Fear.FM Resident DJ
On 21-09-2009 18:10:22, NeRk wrote:

Hello all, please guys, u can talk english in this forum??i think that this forum is very important and LSDB´s members should understand at least for me..if u can speak in english

thx  ;)

 :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:
Nevio -
On 21-09-2009 18:10:22, NeRk wrote:

Hello all, please guys, u can talk english in this forum??i think that this forum is very important and LSDB´s members should understand at least for me..if u can speak in english

thx  ;)

Was started in english, so it's meant to stay in english, but noone follows the rules
Nitrogen -
It's no problem for me
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
On 21-09-2009 18:05:30, Pithune wrote:


eigenlijk zouden de setjes die die gestolen heeft verwijderd moeten worden, want t komt min of meer op 'dubbel in de db'

the sets that he stole should be deleted, because they will be double in the database
Loony -
Big Dawg
On 21-09-2009 19:51:58, Pithune wrote:


the sets that he stole should be deleted, because they will be double in the database

not yet though, wait till he has made some kind of response.
Morango -
What is real?
orly? if it's true..that's a huge fail  :')
TimTim [Moderator] -
Feeeeeddddd Meeeee
seen him online today for several times now, also on lsdb  :-/ ??