Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Coone @ Qlimax 2011

Rated by: karvy Whiteshoxx hardstylistixx Trainfreak Guido mr7 Nois3controll3r Joeyy P4RTYLOV3R Morphi loipi Lucato Novidry Krisstianox Chaotic_Spirit Innoxiuz DjPractice HardstyleZone knarfieboy SpiRiT petre_ MattiX ProMixer TheGame1492 Kwiebus igormyotis FiLE2k11 BazzProject Jro_ greg4850 Morango Scooby-Doo ulli88 TheAscendant H4rdztyliX Mexx -michaelhughes Knomo gertus Legolas kharaf ThomA sHizo Vato TomCore Hydraulikdj Firsteffect The_Constructor Loklok88 Bigshow fatalinc Lanoz Krank-Im-Kopf Max89 Krauser Opperhoofd Micha82 dennisz crymble Irys jediny shocknld nYron2k5 ramp t0n1 heny Rave-D xjanineee Gerome91 Jubke Alphonse Protech_DJ summergirl mathyas DjRy xMitchY stes Timmeehh Ete ScorpY TheXQz Orbi jackie thisguy pr0m1l baas bull83 ti00rki bAsher26 tobituner [deleted user] TaT Pietjuhhh djoutbreak Flaker91 K-Cin qris pietahh Bubba Thyme ThaMaster timmehh jefrim HC4LMichaelRoza Michiel201 Szaman mv1992 Jpeeeg1 The_Hidden sound-pulse SerbskieKosovo NoizeEssence jericho999 Nayle92 Rime Vioda lucas741963 Tommii B. chicomaster Ivanow h4rdstyl3r NateD thus bashb Edwinn Robpan xYohan Haatpiraat shiniroth DarkMaiden djsinister1980 remcoholtmaat Purmsz Kapik gero Mogyi Andy_bee dannyangerfist sannxloves Ramon ETBNL Denzell ballmann09 dr88hooli popoklatsche Piet-R76 Executor Awho stefan88pt Gabox borpiuz EceergDJ View all ratings
Favorited by: Nois3controll3r BazzProject Krisstianox Vato Flaker91 nYron2k5 bashb sannxloves stefan88pt borpiuz EceergDJ

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1. Da Tweekaz - The Groove
2. Coone ft. Scope DJ - Travelling
3. Technoboy ft. Danielle Mondello - Re-Invent Yourself
4. D-Block & S-Te-Fan ft. Deepack - Dream Goes On (Dubless Mix)
5. Coone ft. Psyko Punkz - The Words
6. Ambassador Inc. - It's All Confusion
7. Coone - Beat On My Drum
8. Psyko Punkz - Feel The Rhythm (Alpha² Remix)
9. The Opposites - Licht Uit (Coone Remix)
10. The Opposites - Dom, Lomp & Famous (Coone Remix)
11. Coone ft. Nikkita - Monstah (The Big Bad Wolf Edit)
12. Nero - Promises (D-Block & S-Te-Fan Bootleg)
13. Coone - Universal Language
14. DJ Stephanie - Sicknite

Morango -
What is real?
On 27-11-2011 00:22:14, Mexx wrote:

11. Coone ft. Nikkita - Monstah (The Big Bad Wolf Edit)

Duck Wolf Monstahz  :D
B. -
Psyko Punkz - Feel The Rythm (Alpha Twins Remix), dies wel heel fijntjes  :L
Edited by B. on 29-11-2011 20:35
thus -
Rime -
11. Coone ft. Nikkita – Big Bad Monstah (DJ Tool)
mc-kaos -
them 2 pratts talkn crap over it killed it
alberlineo -
 :)  :)  :)  :)  :)