Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks
Somebody requested a new download link

Showtek @ The Sounds Of X-Qlusive


Submitted by: m4a1 @
Last edited by: Maximumraver @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 00:33:06

More info
Free CD handed out @ Transmission - Superstar DJ Battle (Australia)

Rated by: Opperhoofd Q-DanCe__ Odyssee mstx valkyr64 Dakpan Morricone djcirid VHZD hawker donkeyass Legolas MattiX w1nx Ozuma oblivion333 wschL harderstyles michael079 excess djhms tiescarbo Spikey Artstylerz TobyDuo Sedric Nilo stefan88pt dennisz mattiess Protekt hayest Nois3controll3r A-BASS liz SuciF3R Khadber Luz Stokbrood Calie Kuzco073 SchizeQ M.D.M.A. TimTim w6rk polskaharstylfeve ThaOwner Abrikozenjam Jro_ Nevio TomStyle Josh-T DJArvee Bierman Lunaguy alexog72 TheXQz m4a1 Holephet chainsawabortion D-Mind BassAddict85 donkeyrollers [deleted user] hostage Cosmica Ravechief knarfieboy [deleted user] or0d steviedoyle Paxton Tanic b14ckpr0j3ct koldsa Maci Mezzox zeb PiiXel Hardstylelover _ProjeQtOne_ Star jump-machine Nitrogen helleendje fub nasty1 Damustrial SBD Titatovenaar m4h eMule vulcan roorleper420 Adams86 PumA-RebeL Xerxes Rob_Styles Setenza greg4850 lawless29 Nastee Jipdenk baryshx ThaMaster shocknld UND3RDRIVE kollie E-Stylezz [deleted user] blackmail forde1690 ExF TenZ Gerome91 HardT3K-Tic Cyrax ZeroGravity jericho999 Lucato P4RTYLOV3R Eryen Vector djdesudo lamtak B. Knomo Thyme B-ass Dutch C-side EdwinH4L boerenlater Haatpiraat sinenV javi_centralero Mindustrial Glumex View all ratings
Favorited by: Dakpan jericho999

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1. Showtek - Intro (trailer)
2. Showtek - We Live For The Music
3. Showtek - FTS
4. Showtek ft. MC DV8 - Hold Us Back
5. Showtek - Black 2008
6. Showtek - 2Late
7. Showtek - Partylover (Sydney Remix)
8. Showtek ft. MC DV8 - Shout Out (Donkey Rollers Remix)

Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
zo te zien ben ik niet de enige die meteen naar deze mix ging om te kijken + hoeveel die had  :p
HardT3K-Tic [Set Editor] -
On 17-04-2012 22:02:11, Maximumraver wrote:

zo te zien ben ik niet de enige die meteen naar deze mix ging om te kijken + hoeveel die had  :p

heb je goed ja maar + 13  :S
HardT3K-Tic [Set Editor] -
On 17-04-2012 15:51:10, Knomo wrote:

Now this set is rated higher than

Thats just wrong... wrong I tell you.

I agree it is wrong first class  >.<
SchizeQ -
why zero? ;o