Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Search & Destroy @ Om Wakker Van Te Blijven #17

Hardcore   Industrial Hardcore

Submitted by: HardcoreMF @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:50:46

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vorige week is er geen deel online gekomen omdat ik men domme hoofd er niet bij had excuus  :)
hier is alsnog deel 17 en deel 18 is in de maak!!

enjoy people and leave a comment


1. Noize Suppressor & Lenny Dee - That's The Way
2. Dj D Vs. Rayden - Sacrifice
3. Angerfist - In A Million Years
4. The Stunned Guys & Amnesys - Symphony Of Sins
5. Weapon X - Hell Awaits (Nightmare 2011 Anthem)
6. The Stunned Guys - Hardcore Takin' Over
7. Art Of Fighters - God's Fury
8. T-Junction & Angerfist - A New Level Freak
9. Negative A & Counterfeit - Present Danger
10. Angerfist & vince - No Fucking Soul
11. Tommyknocker - Nutrition (Headbanger Remix)
12. Dyprax - Statement Of Disorder (Unexist Remix)
13. Neophyte & Tha Playah - Trasher
15. The Outside Agency - Industrial Cooking Spray
16. Synapse - D.M.T.
17. I:gor - Too Hot
18. The Outside Agency - Primitive
19. Eye-D - Hell's Basement

Snifobiah -
Eye-D - Hell's Basement

die is gewoon van TOA;)