Shoutbox: [22:40] RubberenRobbie: Happy New Year LSDBers  :thumbsup2:  :bday:  (L)

How to add a Liveset

Okay so you got here and you made, or have a mix you want to share with us

Where do you start?

I'll explain everthing step by step.

Step 1; Adding a liveset

The first thing you want to know is where you can do that.

You can find it on the frontpage, on the right side of the bar; Submit liveset (can be different in other languages)

after you get there, let's get started.

Step 2: Artists / Titles / Date

This sounds very easy, but in fact alot of users make mistakes around this.

- Artist -

This should be an existing artist.

Take a note that artists, who have been added in the database, fall under a specific name tag.

For example: if you write "DJTiesto", it should be "DJ Tiësto", because every liveset then falls under that tag, which is efficient for the site search

If you don't know the name of the DJ, tag it as 'Unknown'

- Title -

This is the spot where the dj actually plays.

You don't have to fill in "at" or "@", because it will automaticly seperate artist and title when you add your liveset

If the set is played on the radio, you probably want to type it there too. This is in most cases where it goes wrong.

for example.

[DJ Tiësto] @ [LSDB Radio]

If there's a showname, please add it, and move the 'LSDB Radio' tag to number/special

This way you'll get:

[DJ Tiësto] @ [LSDB Invites] [LSDB Radio]

if it contains a following number, place it as first in the final tag

[DJ Tiësto] @ [LSDB Invites] [#003 LSDB Radio]

If you have a tribute mix to a certain producer, or group, tag the title as 'A Tribute To [Artist]'

- Date -

This should be the date of the liveset itself, not the day where it's added on.

Step 3

- Genre -

The musicstyle, representing the mix.

If you have a half/half liveset, do what you think it's best.

Tip: look at how much of which is in the tracklist. If there are 5 hardstyle tracks, and 7 hardcore tracks, best would be the Hardcore tag.

- Length -

This is how long the set is in duration.

- Filetype -

Bibrate info and file format.

- Download link -

Should be a valid link. Please check if the link works, before adding the field.

tip: no hosting spot?

Here are a few sites most users use;

- />
- />
- />

- More info -

Not necessary, just for a comment to add to the mix

- Tracklist -

A list of tracks, played inside the mix.

A tracklist should be represented like this:

[number] [Artist] - [Title] [Mix/Remix (if there is any included)]


01. DJ Tiësto - Break My Fall (Richard Durand Mix)

Do NOT swap titles & artists, because it will look confusing.

Also, do NOT add warez tags, dj-tiesto_-_break_my_fall_richard_durand_mix.mp3

This is wrong! Remove the underscores & capitalize what needs to be.


Liveset posting guide, thanks to Pithune (